Campus Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE) grew from the Rape Prevention Education Program (1976-2013), historically a joint sponsored program by UCPD and the Women's Center. In the early eighties, RPEP was incorporated into the mission and structure of the Women's Center Department, now known as the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity.
The Rape Prevention Education Program was renamed the CARE office in 2013, in order to provide greater accessibility to those who are impacted by other forms of interpersonal violence and to align with a University of California task force in 2014 to have a CARE office on all ten UC campuses.
The UC President's Task Force on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault brought together representatives from all across the UC system -- survivors, survivor advocates, students, faculty, law enforcement and administrative staff. The task force addressed interpersonal violence with attention to social, emotional, legal, and administrative issues and examined current UC processes, practices from other universities, and student feedback. The resulting recommendations affirmed four key resources: prevention, education, advocacy, and response & reporting.
Learn more about the UC President's Task Force on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault