CARE envisions a campus community that is free from violence and promotes healing. We strive to change social norms through primary prevention, training professionals in trauma-informed response to survivors and providing community members with the skills to intervene safely when they see someone at risk of abuse.

CARE Peer Educator presenting a workshop to students

Schedule a Presentation

The CARE office staff and student peer educators offer a wide range of educational and outreach programs for student organizations and Greek life as well as training for training for professional staff, student staff, and faculty. These programs are designed to foster community that believes in the culture of consent and combating sexual violence at UCSB

Gaucho Green Dot Logo

Gaucho Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training

Join the Green Dot movement, and help end interpersonal violence at UCSB! Green Dot is a nationwide violence prevention campaign that aims to lower the levels of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and harassment in our communities by empowering everyone to be an active bystander. Campuses across the nation have joined the Green Dot movement, and we are excited to now offer this training to students dedicated to ending interpersonal violence and creating a safer campus community at UCSB.

CARE Peer Educators tabling with HerCampus

CARE Peer Educators

Our CARE Peer Educators are dedicated to supporting the mission of the CARE Office. They help to create a safe, and inclusive campus that is free from sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Being a CARE Peer Educator, offers students the opportunity to develop leadership, communication, and advocacy skills, while empowering their peers by providing information about violence prevention and active bystander intervention.

2018 Violence Intervention and Prevention Interns

VIP Internship

The Violence Intervention and Prevention Internship is an education and project-based internship. This internship will provide interns with an opportunity to develop expertise on interpersonal violence (relationship violence, sexual assault, stalking) through comprehensive, hands-on training and ongoing education.

Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) is a 6 week, unpaid internship for students to learn more about preventing interpersonal violence with an intersectional, social justice lens on topics such as the cultural origins of violence, healthy relationships, masculinities, consent, positive media, and self care. Interns will then apply their knowledge and launch their own virtual and in-person campaign to engage the campus community in bystander intervention and prevention education!

Look out for more information later on how to apply in Winter 2026! 

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

In recognition of SAAM, Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE) is hosting events throughout the month and we encourage students, staff, faculty, and community members to participate. Join CARE in recognizing SAAM this April to help foster a campus community that stands with survivors and works to create a culture that does not accept violence. Click on the link to learn how to get involved throughout the month of April!

I Stand with Survivors Poster

Student Activism

CARE plays an essential role in University efforts for the response and prevention of interpersonal violence, and the creation of a safe environment for all. Collaboration with student leaders, survivors, and passionate community members is the key to develop meaningful cultural and institutional change. Dialogue among students, staff, faculty, and within the UC System must continue to remain on the forefront of the work of ending violence on campus to best facilitate a shift in culture, provide information to the community, and create improvements in current practice.