CARE Advocates provide affirming, empowering, and confidential support for survivors and bring a non-judgmental, caring approach to exploring all options and resources. CARE Advocates believe that it is always the survivor’s decision to pursue any of the available resources or to report an incident to the police or the University.
Our state certified Advocates are here to help you navigate your options, provide you with support, connect you with resources on-campus or within the community, and serve as trusted point of contact throughout the whole process.
CARE does not practice appointment limits and understands that each survivor has unique needs. A survivor may choose to come back to CARE at any time. CARE Advocates take time to understand the unique and individual experiences of survivors. Together, CARE Advocates and survivors develop an individual plan for moving forward.
Can I speak privately with an Advocate?
Can we discuss my rights, resources, and options?
Will CARE report the incident to law enforcement or the university?
Will Advocates help and support me if I choose not to report?
CARE serves the UCSB community and is an open and affirming space for ALL. We serve all UCSB undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and friends and loved ones.

Making an Appointment
with a CARE Advocate
Schedule a non-urgent appointment with a CARE Advocate.
To speak with a confidential advocate immediately, please call our 24/7 CARE advocacy line at 805-893-4613. If you have an emergency or feel that you may be in immediate danger, please call 911.
If you have experienced a sexual assault within the last five days, call CARE at 805-893-4613 or navigate to the Medical section on our Advocacy Services page to learn about the time-sensitive option to seek a free, confidential forensic medical exam.