CARE will remain operational with the following measures to protect the health of the community:

  • CARE 24-hour advocacy line is available 805-893-4613.
  • Advocates will be offering services through in-person, telephone, or Zoom appointments as needed to all survivors. Everyone who accesses CARE must follow UC Santa Barbara COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
  • At the time of the scheduled appointment, your advocate will initiate the contact which will be from a blocked number or will send you a link to utilize Zoom web meetings.

What is CARE?

Campus, Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE) is UC Santa Barbara’s confidential advocacy and education office for interpersonal violence (sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking). We offer free and confidential services for students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, and friends/loved ones impacted interpersonal and gender-based violence and we provide violence prevention education for the entire UCSB campus

Learn about Our Mission

Advocacy Services

Survivor Services

Our advocates work alongside survivors to create a compassionate plan of action that honors experiences and choices. An appointment with CARE can serve as a safe space to learn about your rights and explore your options.

Healing Programs

Healing Programs

We offer alternative forms of healing for survivors including yoga, journaling, boundary and movement workshops, and art. These healing programs are led by trauma informed-specialists and are open to all identities.

Prevention Education

Prevention Education

We offer a wide range of educational and outreach programs for student organizations and Greek life as well as training for training for professional staff, student staff, and faculty. These programs are designed to build a community that believes in the culture of consent and combating sexual violence at UCSB.

We know the UC Undergraduate Experience Survey does take a while to complete, but by filling out the survey you will be helping other students like you by telling the leadership where it can improve academics, climate, skill-building and more. Your feedback is essential.

And, by participating you could win exciting prizes! Among these are daily draws for a $50 Gift Card plus two grand prizes of Apple AirPods Pro. Complete the survey by June 11, 2024, to be eligible to win.

 Take the survey